
WOW !! What a frighten day~~

It's time to go home....my work finish around 6:45pm today, before I leave office my colleague Jess ask me to fetch her go back, ok, as usual if she request I must fetch her.

After the traffic jam, reach her house which located at Kuchai Lama. Drop her off, then I make a U turn wanted to back my home, but before that she received a SMS from my other colleague regarding the AK ticket to Melbourne, she wanted to show me, so we have chat with I seat inside my car but open the window, and she just standing outside her house gate, the gate is opened.

After a miniutes, Jess shouted: ' faster going', she saw the thief ready to robed us, at the time, we just have our chat, no realise the 2 thief driving the motor cycle and near by us. After that I quickyly closed my window, and drive fast as I can out of the area to the busy road, at 1st the thief was chasing me by their motor cycle, sooooooooooo fortunately after I drove to the busy road they stop chasing me......before I drove out the area, I understand the thief ready to open my door, luckyly.....luckyly I sure will lock the door all the time.

At that time I just feel I very frighten......really thx GOD~~ and my dear Viva.

So, for you all, must be pay attention the things surrounded you, coz it may be the dangerouse.

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